Full Tutorial, how to, & basic steps improve SEO Blogger/Blogspot.
Earlier we used to understand about SEO. SEO
(Search Engine Optimization) is the process of improving/optimizing the
blog/website visitor numbers by way of reaching for higher rankings in
search engine pages index results (SERP). The higher the SERP, the greater the number of visitors also possible. Will very rarely visitors search engines that do browsing page by page search engine. So, the webmaster flocked do competition and scrambling to exist in the search engine's main page. While
other terms SEO (Search Engine Optimizer), was the perpetrator, tools,
& element that can help improve SERP rankings blog/website.
blog/website has elements, template/theme, basic code, as well as a
variety of other elements that vary so as melningkatkan SEO efforts are
not exactly the same. For example, WordPress has basic elements of PHP, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. In addition it also comes with a lot of WordPress plugins SEO ready-wear to maximize results on search engines. Blogspot has the basic elements, Javascript, HTML & CSS, of course there are disadvantages. Although we can use the plugin SEO berbasic Javascript, but I myself do not see significant effects. The extended, in Blogspot we can do the modification/hack with no limits on either the blog design as well as in improving SEO.
following are ways the way influent categories organic SEO, search
engine optimization by natural means, which I see thus has the effect of
a good. In addition, I am also less supportive of Blackhat SEO methods which are currently began to set aside by Google.
1. Select a template that is SEO friendly.
A design blog layouts can have advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, an overlay template/theme looks great, but in terms of SEO could be weak, or vice versa. Therefore, choose a template SEO friendly Blogger. While this has been widely available premium-quality free Blogger templates that have been disisipi SEO hack. If you have already ' Dear ' and want to keep using the old template, do the following from the second step.
2. install the meta tags on the blog
are many types of meta tags, the most commonly used is the meta
description, which contains a description of the blog/website and meta
key, which contains the keyword-keywords related to the content of your
blog/website. In addition there is also meta author, which contains the author's name or name of institution/company, but rarely used. And many more other meta-meta.
3. Maximize keyword in title/title of the blog
Compacting the title with keyword density can zoom in on targeted keywords (keyword density) of a blog. On
blogspot, edit title through Dashboard > Design > Design/click on
edit on the header, fill in the title you want and save.
4. put the post title before blog name
On the template's content yet Blogger hack, usually the name of the blog which is next to the post title. To check it out, go to a page and look at the post and the bar on the browser tab. Take a look at what is in front of the blog name and the title of the post at susul. On
the results of a search engine index, it can reduce the accuracy and
density of keywords as well as cut the post title on the back. Especially if the post title is very long. So visitors don't understand points overall.
5. make the most of a solid and effective keywords in your blog posts
does not mean make a keyword, but you can set the layout position of keyword/keyword phrase, and use proper, and do not use too much
long-winded words. For example, avoid words like this: "In the post this time ...", and others.
6. Accelerate time loading (load time) blog
Google also impose a penalty against a blog/website that is too heavy and long to load. This is logical, because of the time needed by the spider when crawling and gathering information to be longer. Things
that inhibit the loading of blog/website is usually: too many
javascript files (usually on the widget) and too besarrnya image files. Visitors will also certainly the hassles of having to wait a long time loading, especially for the Internet connection is slow.
7. Accelerate the process of search engine indexes over blog
The index quickly shows that the blog has been known by the search engines. This
of course speed up the SEO a post because we don't have to wait in a
long time and visitors can quickly find it on search engines. Although
this is not a guarantee that the post article is in the main page
index, but this is the first step of the process of SEO itself.
8. Nofollow-kan Blogger labels (optional)
the article to understand the characteristics and how to optimize your
Blogger Labels, I explained that the url is actually a label command
search (url example:
http://buka-rahasia.blogspot.com/search/label/favicon), then the label
is not a permanent link (permalink). Why? Because the labels are only formed as a result url search commands (such as url search engine seach). Therefore, the search engine does not take into account the label as a legitimate link/url to be indexed. That's
why when you sign in to Google Webmaster Tools, there is information
that the labels on the links-restricted by robot.txt. Move me-nofollow-right label is optional, you can give it a try to find out the effect even further.
9. Link building is effective
Link building is the most important points in SEO. Link
building is the process of creating inbound links (links that point to
your blog/website), that getting backlinks from other blogs/websites. Do
link building can be in many ways, namely: creating reciprocal links
well with the directory/social bookmarks (which requires reciprocal
link) or exchange links with other blogs/websites, register your blog
and articles to social bookmarking/directory, and commented on your
blog/website to another by leaving a link in the form this way
commentator, customarily known as then blogwalking, though somewhat
misinterpreted by leaving a comment containsblogwalking, "!", or, "stop by gan!", and others. Berkomentarlah fit the content because it shows the quality and Google also glanced at it loh. Don't forget, there is a link and anchor text on top of these comments, and Google noticed it when crawling.
do link building effectively with the goal of getting quality backlinks
& pagerank boosts, berkomentarlah on the blog-dofollow blog with
high pagerank, register your blog as well as the articles on the site
directories and dofollow social bookmark, register your blog in blog
directories anyway. Expand the backlinks that
point to your blog/website, but do naturally, IE not be haphazard, too
many backlinks custom-made in one day can also be considered ' unnatural
' by Google. I always limit 5-10 times link building every day.
building can increase visibility or appearance of blog/website in the
eyes of the search engines and increase traffic quality reply. The more the higher the value the significance of tarffic for search engines so that he routinely perform crawling. Link building also adds to the credibility and popularity of a blog/website.
That's the basics of Optimization SEO Blogger/Blogspot wrote into my experience. There
are still many ways in which it can be reached to improve SEO blog but
if some of the above steps can be the Foundation to strengthen SEO blog,
before doing the next step of improving SEO. A solid foundation is a yardstick and a forerunner of a sturdy building is not?