DivX Plus Pro 9.0.2 Build Full Serial

DivX Plus Pro
DivX Plus Pro 9.0.2 Build Full Serial multimedia software is used for the playback of video or film. This Software can open file formats AVI, MKV, MP4, MOV and many more. In addition, the package includes the DivX software Player, Converter, Web player, Audio enhancers, Plus codec and others.


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NETGATE Registry Cleaner 5.0.195 Full Serial

NETGATE Registry Cleaner
NETGATE Registry Cleaner 5.0.195 Full Serial is software that functions take care of problems and registry utilities on your PC. This software has several major features including Regitry Cleanup, Dik Cleanup, Removal and Traces of the Custom scan. Plus there are some other additional features to maximize the performance of your PC.

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Picasa 3.9.0 Build 136.12

Picasa 3.9.0 Build 136.12
Picasa 3.9.0 Build 136.12 photo manager software is a simple google-made which can be used to manipulate the various purposes of photography you like opening, editing, etc. The Software also can be linked directly with your google account.
Download Picasa here :

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Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate 7.7.2 Full Keygen

Xilisoft Video
Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate full keygen is converter software which is quite popular nowadays. This Software can convert the videodengan formatmpeg, mwv, mp4 and others. As well as audio formats such as MP2, MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3 and OGG.


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BenVista PhotoZoom Pro 5.06

BenVista PhotoZoom Pro 5.06
BenVista PhotoZoom Pro 5.06 the Full Series is the software supplied to enlarge/menzoom, with images that are as before even if there is still a fragmented look, but hardly seen him since this software was able to enlarge the image with a very smooth.
Okey..here you can download .

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Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.1 Full Crack

Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.1 Full Crack
Revo Uninstaller Pro 3.0.1 Full Crack is a piece of software that serves to help remove programs (uninstall) on your PC. This Software can clean the file to be removed with a clean up to those files that are still connected
Okey,,you can download this software here :

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CCleaner 3.27.1900 Crack Final Full Professional

CCleaner 3.27.1900 Crack Final Full Professional
CCleaner 3.27.1900 Crack Final Full Professional is a software utilities that may already be familiar. This Software can be used for cleaning the chache, cookies, browser history and also cleans traces files in Windows are clean.
How??? you are interested in this software? okeey jump


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Basic Tutorial and how to improve your SEO Blogspot,cekidot..!!!

Full Tutorial, how to, & basic steps improve SEO Blogger/Blogspot.
Earlier we used to understand about SEO. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of improving/optimizing the blog/website visitor numbers by way of reaching for higher rankings in search engine pages index results (SERP). The higher the SERP, the greater the number of visitors also possible. Will very rarely visitors search engines that do browsing page by page search engine. So, the webmaster flocked do competition and scrambling to exist in the search engine's main page. While other terms SEO (Search Engine Optimizer), was the perpetrator, tools, & element that can help improve SERP rankings blog/website.

Any blog/website has elements, template/theme, basic code, as well as a variety of other elements that vary so as melningkatkan SEO efforts are not exactly the same. For example, WordPress has basic elements of PHP, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. In addition it also comes with a lot of WordPress plugins SEO ready-wear to maximize results on search engines. Blogspot has the basic elements, Javascript, HTML & CSS, of course there are disadvantages. Although we can use the plugin SEO berbasic Javascript, but I myself do not see significant effects. The extended, in Blogspot we can do the modification/hack with no limits on either the blog design as well as in improving SEO.
The following are ways the way influent categories organic SEO, search engine optimization by natural means, which I see thus has the effect of a good. In addition, I am also less supportive of Blackhat SEO methods which are currently began to set aside by Google.

1. Select a template that is SEO friendly.
A design blog layouts can have advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, an overlay template/theme looks great, but in terms of SEO could be weak, or vice versa. Therefore, choose a template SEO friendly Blogger. While this has been widely available premium-quality free Blogger templates that have been disisipi SEO hack. If you have already ' Dear ' and want to keep using the old template, do the following from the second step.
2. install the meta tags on the blog
There are many types of meta tags, the most commonly used is the meta description, which contains a description of the blog/website and meta key, which contains the keyword-keywords related to the content of your blog/website. In addition there is also meta author, which contains the author's name or name of institution/company, but rarely used. And many more other meta-meta.
3. Maximize keyword in title/title of the blog
Compacting the title with keyword density can zoom in on targeted keywords (keyword density) of a blog. On blogspot, edit title through Dashboard > Design > Design/click on edit on the header, fill in the title you want and save.
4. put the post title before blog name
On the template's content yet Blogger hack, usually the name of the blog which is next to the post title. To check it out, go to a page and look at the post and the bar on the browser tab. Take a look at what is in front of the blog name and the title of the post at susul. On the results of a search engine index, it can reduce the accuracy and density of keywords as well as cut the post title on the back. Especially if the post title is very long. So visitors don't understand points overall.
5. make the most of a solid and effective keywords in your blog posts
This does not mean make a keyword, but you can set the layout position of keyword/keyword phrase, and use proper, and do not use too much long-winded words. For example, avoid words like this: "In the post this time ...", and others.
6. Accelerate time loading (load time) blog
Google also impose a penalty against a blog/website that is too heavy and long to load. This is logical, because of the time needed by the spider when crawling and gathering information to be longer. Things that inhibit the loading of blog/website is usually: too many javascript files (usually on the widget) and too besarrnya image files. Visitors will also certainly the hassles of having to wait a long time loading, especially for the Internet connection is slow.
7. Accelerate the process of search engine indexes over blog
The index quickly shows that the blog has been known by the search engines. This of course speed up the SEO a post because we don't have to wait in a long time and visitors can quickly find it on search engines. Although this is not a guarantee that the post article is in the main page index, but this is the first step of the process of SEO itself.
8. Nofollow-kan Blogger labels (optional)
In the article to understand the characteristics and how to optimize your Blogger Labels, I explained that the url is actually a label command search (url example: http://buka-rahasia.blogspot.com/search/label/favicon), then the label is not a permanent link (permalink). Why? Because the labels are only formed as a result url search commands (such as url search engine seach). Therefore, the search engine does not take into account the label as a legitimate link/url to be indexed. That's why when you sign in to Google Webmaster Tools, there is information that the labels on the links-restricted by robot.txt. Move me-nofollow-right label is optional, you can give it a try to find out the effect even further.
9. Link building is effective
Link building is the most important points in SEO. Link building is the process of creating inbound links (links that point to your blog/website), that getting backlinks from other blogs/websites. Do link building can be in many ways, namely: creating reciprocal links well with the directory/social bookmarks (which requires reciprocal link) or exchange links with other blogs/websites, register your blog and articles to social bookmarking/directory, and commented on your blog/website to another by leaving a link in the form this way commentator, customarily known as then blogwalking, though somewhat misinterpreted by leaving a comment containsblogwalking, "!", or, "stop by gan!", and others. Berkomentarlah fit the content because it shows the quality and Google also glanced at it loh. Don't forget, there is a link and anchor text on top of these comments, and Google noticed it when crawling.

To do link building effectively with the goal of getting quality backlinks & pagerank boosts, berkomentarlah on the blog-dofollow blog with high pagerank, register your blog as well as the articles on the site directories and dofollow social bookmark, register your blog in blog directories anyway. Expand the backlinks that point to your blog/website, but do naturally, IE not be haphazard, too many backlinks custom-made in one day can also be considered ' unnatural ' by Google. I always limit 5-10 times link building every day.

Link building can increase visibility or appearance of blog/website in the eyes of the search engines and increase traffic quality reply. The more the higher the value the significance of tarffic for search engines so that he routinely perform crawling. Link building also adds to the credibility and popularity of a blog/website.

That's the basics of Optimization SEO Blogger/Blogspot wrote into my experience. There are still many ways in which it can be reached to improve SEO blog but if some of the above steps can be the Foundation to strengthen SEO blog, before doing the next step of improving SEO. A solid foundation is a yardstick and a forerunner of a sturdy building is not?

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relevanso image alt attributes for SEO and visitors

The image can not be separated again from the web design, because the image is one of the main elements that are now commonly used as part of web layout Builder element. Can be used as background images, navigation buttons, icon, and web content itself. Well as part of the content, the images have a very large function. The visitor can understand a thing and mengintepretasi in such a way through the bantua, even kinipun images, intense use of the mainstream media as an infographic content! However, there are certain conditions where the image function can not be used or displayed, including:

The blind or who have low vision who uses a screen reader to browse.
Users who disable image viewer on the browser.
Users who have only a text viewer, browser for many reasons.
Users who are experiencing problems, browser or source images that could not be loaded.
Of course, search engine crawlers are unable to "understand" (read: see) pictures.

Fortunately, the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) provides a feature to give a small solution for the above situation. This solution does not mean the image then can be seen, but at least understood through words, phrases, inline or descriptive sentences so that at least the browser can display the description and visitors as well as search engine with some of the above conditions can figure it out. This is all thanks to none other than the use of the alt attribute in the image tag (image tags), like this:

< img src = "http://blablabla,com/foto-monyetku.png" alt = "monkey photo lucuku"/>

When an image is not displayed, then the browser will display it as inline text "lucuku monkey photo".

The alt attribute in the image tag above would certainly be a significant factor for the user experience and is an essential tool for the efforts of search engine optimization (SEO). For users who have a functional and technical constraints as already mentioned, the alt attribute can describe what could not be seen or is not displayed by the browser. For search engines such as Google, the alt attribute be a source of information for the crawler to see the relevance and the representation of images which "awaited" within the image tag. For example, if a user searches for an image with keyword "funny monkey" on a search engine, image search pictures with descriptions that are associated with the word "monkey" more had the chance to appear in the search results. The alt attribute can be likened as "anchor text" pictures, and can serve as the anchor text in the links in the actual image.

< a href = "/artikel-tentang-monyet/" tautweb.com >< img src = "http: blablabla, com/photo-monyetku .png" alt = "the greatness of a monkey </a> lucuku"/>

A New Era Of Google Image Search

As is already known and spoken of in the last few days, Google has updated the layout and adds various features on Google Image Search (Google image search engine).

The existence of those additional features, to put it simply, Google wants to display complete information behind a picture: attribution to the image uploader page, link to that page, links to detailed images of the same Google Search, and a link to the source image directly (direct link, http://web.com/gambar.jpg).

This certainly is the best opportunity for us to use an image as a more potent tool again in an effort improve SEO web. As a source of traffic, the image can't be shown regardless of the offhand details that need to be completed. Here's a tip SEO optimization pictures from me.
Tips for optimizing your images for SEO and User

1. before uploading an image, be sure to rename the picture file that does not contain generic name generation result picture file or camera makers. For example, if you are just making photos with a digital camera, then the output file generated is usually something like this: DSC10013.JPG. It's certainly not good, because once an image is uploaded, the image will contain permalink file names can not be understood, as well as the url of the web page, change the file name to be clean permalink. For example change into view-Beach-kuta-bali .jpg.

2. make sure the file format (extension) images are common formats, such as jpg, gif, png, png, bmp, svg, and wepb.

3. Search engines generally index your pictures with different size (file size), but as light as possible so that the files be heavy loading of pages can be minimised. Again, this is related to the user experience, and Google has many times confirmed this. You can reduce the weight of the file with shrink the size of the pixels, change the type of file (from gif to jpg, png etc), or use the image compression tool that is easy to find online.

4. other ways to speed up your browser and search engines read the presence of an image is the first menspesifikan the image size, either to declare the original size or resize. By demic
< img src = "http://blablabla,com/foto-monyetku.png" alt = "monkey photo lucuku" width = "300px" height = "300px"/>

Some webmasters prefer to use CSS properties to organize your pictures, however this property is not readable (well at least) by the search engines. Therefore, it is better to use an html attribute width and height like the example above to reveal the size of the picture.

5. If there are indeed very important text to be shown to visitors as well as SE, better show as the actual text within the content, rather than putting it in the alt attribute.

6. alt text should be short and words is a series containing the keyword is important, although it should be natural. Do not enforce write words or long sentences into alt.

< img src = "http://blablabla,com/foto-monyetku.png" alt = "monkey"/> = > true, to the point of search engine

< img src = "http://blablabla,com/foto-monyetku.png" alt = ""/> monkey photo = > true, specifications with the word "photos"

< img src = "http://blablabla,com/foto-monyetku.png" alt = "photo monyetku moni is funny"/> = > true, deksriptif, for visitors and SE (natural).

< img src = "http: blablabla, com/photo-monyetku .png" alt = "photo monyetku very funny, his name is moni, she liked to sleep in my room"/> = > not exact, too long, not accentuate the core, and preferably expressed as text content.

7. View keyword-keyword is important but avoid flooding by keyword.

Examples as misunderstandings and wrong:

< img src = "http://blablabla,com/keyword-density.png" alt = "keyword density, keyword density, what functionality it's keyword density, etc."/>

8. If in one of your pages showing multiple images of the same topic, be sure to use the alt, for example the type, serial number, etc.

9. If an image is used as a navigation tool, such as a button, use the alt text matches the name of the link (ancchor text) that you want to give to the text, such as "contact us", "Advertise", and so on.

10. If you are using the logo images, make sure the alt contains a website name or company name.

11. If you would like to better explain or provide details in an image for visitors, without having to explain to the search engine, use the title attribute (this often be confused with alt, but both have a distinctly different functions). The title will bring up the inline text when the user performs mouse over to the top of the image.

< a href = "http://tautweb.com/contact" >< img src = "http://tautweb.com/contact-us-icon.jpg" alt = "contact us" title = "click here to contact our"/>

About Null Alt Text (Empty)

< img src = "http://tautweb.com/contact-us-icon.jpg" alt = ""/>

Null, or empty (non-informative) on alt image could be used and it is important if you are using images as elements that do not need to know a visitor or search engine. For example the image content and page separation between sidebar, if you don't build it using CSS elements. But this way is usually abandoned due to the development and advantages of CSS for use as a web layout-forming process of the human eye and unreadable SE. so it is better to use CSS (in the background property).
Conclusions and Closing

As the development of Search engines, especially Google, image alt attributes can be a very important element for the user and SEO. First, users get more easiness to understand the elements of the image cannot be displayed. Second, the image element has a good description in the alt attribute can "Digest" and "understand" the image in a more perfect, because this is how SE "reading" an image. Third, as has already been stressed by Google, user experience is the number one. As befitting a provide a web service that is user-friendly, the use of the alt attribute is true and the right will improve the functions of a web

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Why Google Webmaster Tools more powerful and important?

Google Webmater Tools

When there's a friend inquiring about his SEO developments, or when I start working with clients to improve website SEO, questions and statements that often I was throwing the following points:

a. has done an analysis on Google Webmaster Tools?

b. How the development and analysis of website you have there?

c. give me access to Google Webmaster Tools for you to perform the analysis.

Google Webmaster Tools is the SEO website development resources are priceless, and ... is irreplaceable! Many people flocking using a variety of SEO tools that are free to paid, and tried a variety of features. So sometimes we underestimate the function of Google's webmaster tools so that skipped most of the existing features. None, in my opinion, that produces the data once, and as comprehensively as accurate as Google Webmaster Tools! Here's why:
1. accurate backlink Data that cannot be obtained from another source

For owners of websites listed in webmaster tools, Google provides complete information about backlinks, or links to the site in question. This very complete Backlink information, including the number of backlinks and number of pages linked to by other sites. In addition, Google also feature internal links, or internal links site, so we can know which pages are the most widely ditaut by our own site. For example: Ideally, the main page (homepage) is supposed to be the most widely ditaut.
2. keyword search query or Data that cannot be obtained from another source

You often see strange query keyword analytics or statistics on tool are you using? For example, in Google Analytics (free version) often encountered the term "not provided" or "not available", on WordPress Stats we find him as "encrypted_search", and other terms are again on the other analytics. This is not another because many browsers and mobile browsers that use the default Google secure search (https). This condition may also appear if the user keyword in search engines in Google account login. Of course it's good for the user. But for webmasters, there are many important keywords that cannot be traced. Be grateful for Google Webmaster Tools capable of displaying thousands of keyword query so that we can enrich the information: keyword most widely attended, the most accessed pages with certain keywords, as well as view the click through rate (CTR) of his in the search engines.
3. SEO Tools that cannot be obtained from another source

An awful lot of the SEO tools in the Google Webmaster tools that can be utilized. Certainly mention one by one will not resolve this discussion. From tools to test the validity of robots.txt, rich snippets tests, broken links, server errors, remove url or permalink from the index, fetching as Googlebot (take the contents of a web page and view its content as well as the Googlebot), checks the duplication of description or title/title of the page, and many more other SEO tools! Even you can export various data to be stored or to be used as advanced analysis data. I used to export data from Google Webmaster Tools for website development presentation to a client.
4. the critical problem Message is not provided by other services

Google sends out an important message whenever there's a critical permalasahan detected by Google, either issue a site inaccessible until the penalty because of spam messages. Almost 99% of the affected sites manually by Google penalty will get a special message, either through email or Webmaster Tools dashboard. If you don't have a Google Webmaster Tools account are verified, then you miss the variety of important information and notifications relating to the condition of your website.
5. no service seo tools free with service form as powerful as Google Webmaster Tools

It's pretty obvious that analysis services as well as other SEO tools, though free, is definitely limited and eventually led to the dollar would have to pay to be able to access the data or use of the equipment and services that are more specific. Not so with Google Webmaster Tools, all available absolutely free analysis tools, and aims to improve and enhance the performance of your website, both for the user, as well as Google itself.
I am in no way conjures an atmosphere of the "worship" of Google, especially Google Webmaster Tools. 5 points above is factual condition of SEO tools that are actually ideal, but sometimes overlooked. Other Webmaster Tools which I think arguably is nice also belongs to Bing. Although not as complete as Google 's, but Bing Webmaster Tools is an ideal tool to do an in-depth analysis, especially with regard to Bing and Yahoo search.

In several occasions ahead, I will share insight on the use of various features of Google Webmaster tools in terms of analysis, for example to analyze keyword density, links, the CTR website, and much more. All I will tell them gradually in the next few posts.

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4 Tips to improve SEO Image Optimization (and Traffic)

As the content of the blog, the picture is one of the important elements. Even for some blog (photo blog, infographic blog, and other image-based blog) the image is the primary content. In this web 2.0 world, the picture has become a visual object into everyday meals. Just look at the web-social web curation as Instagram Pinterest and now continues to be a favorite of the majority of Internet users.

On the other hand, Google Image Search (Google image search engine) is the largest and main source the internet users to search for images as you wish. Therefore, as a source of traffic, search engine optimization (SEO) through pictures is a part that is not less important. Extracting traffic from google image search can not be considered one eye, because it gives a pretty significant amount. In a Google search on its own, optimizing images can also provide value, especially on a keyword in the enrichment of the content. (in the alt attribute and file names).

According to seems to me, this is very important if your content contains images, well.. Although only one. And of course, this being the VERY, VERY MOST IMPORTANT If your blog content is image-based, because many different little optimalisasinya with SEO content writing/articles as most of the blog. What's more, the new layout Google Image search allows the user to get a variety of information about the image, including the source Uploader page link image.

On another blog, I already spoke about the relevance of the alt attribute on images for visitors and search engines. The point is on how it weighs the alt attribute can provide value, help, and descriptions for both. In this opportunity, I would have been more drawings on the optimization specializes in the context of SEO and Blogger. More or less the same tips to be found, but I would be even more stress for users of Blogger.

Well, to take advantage of optimally in terms of image SEO, here are 4 tips that I have core prepare for you:

1. the use of the name of the Image File
The file name is simply a unique file identity, should not be the same in a computer folder, and is the absolute identification tool. As well as these functions, the filename will obviously give a clear description as well. This also applies to web pages. Individual web page that displays the image files as well as other files, such as html files, php, asp, and so on.

Example: http://tautweb.com/foldergambar/nama-file-gambar.jpg

As well as the optimization of the permalink url web/blog, you also need to pay attention to the permalink of the image. Before you upload an image, change the file name to be more descriptive. For example, you just make a photo with a digital camera or camera phone, hence the name of the image file will be named automatically according to the settings, for example: Photoa11234. jpg. Rename the file to be descriptive, give you an idea about that photo. Add a hypen (strip) to provide space, just like the file names in the blog page permalink.

Example: photos-Beach-legian-bali-2013. jpg

The file name is rather long and descriptive does not matter, provided it is not flooded with same keywords repeatedly.

2. the use of Alt Text (the text in the Alt attribute)
In addition beneficial for visitors if the image failed to load by the browser for some reason or other, the text in the alt attribute has a deksriptif function for search engines. Search engines cannot "see" images. He can only "read" the text. The text in the alt serves as the anchor text (the same as anchor text links). Alt could be more deksriptif than the name of the image file. But the requirement is the same, do not be inundated with keyword.

Alt tag in the example links and images:
< a href = "url of the image or url of the specific page" img >< alt = "I was with my boyfriend in legian Beach bali" src = "urlgambar"/>

How to add alt text in Blogger
Method 1: you can add the text into the image tag like the example above, i.e. through the "HTML" mode in post editor after uploading images.

Method 2: click the image that appears in the post editor once uploaded and inserted into the post. The menu will appear like the example below, then click "properties".
Add alt text in blogger.
Then enter a text into columns alt text and click "OK."
filling alt text into the form image.

3. the size of the Image File
Though Google does give a certain file size specs on a decent image is indexed, but this implied Google talk. Submitted that the weight of a page that is too large to affect loading the web, and it definitely affects the user. This is a consideration for Google because Google is paying attention to the user experience. Therefore, it is a bit much, web/blog loading speed affect SEO. One of the causes, even for the largest, a web page becomes very heavy are the pictures. Therefore, a fully optimized image file size is very important. Use compression and image optimization tool that does not diminish the quality of, for example, you can perform compression and PNG optimization by PNGGauntlet.

4. the text surrounding the Image
As well as the influence of the text surrounding the link (the levels of relevance), text around images too influential because it gives an overview of relevance to the topic and emphasis that is being talked about (in the picture). Why is this so? For keyword-keyword in the text around a picture or text within a page where there are these images inform and encourage Google to take that into account. Make sure the description (a file name and alt text) to your images relevant to the text around it, and vice versa. The use of caption/text description below the image (optional) is also part of the text surrounding the image.

As a content, images need to cared for their use. The use of the right description not only will effect both to the user, but also against their SEO efforts and efforts to increase traffic. There are four important elements to note: the name of the image file, the text in the alt attribute, image size, and the text surrounding the image. Finally, all these efforts back to your creativity in optimizing the fourth. If you want to learn more about the relevance of web images, the alt attribute, the web visitor, and SEO, check out my article at tautweb.com.

Have a nice ... "Picturing"! :)

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the fan of your computer to die??see the solution here.!

Tips on coping with a dead Laptop Fan. the laptop is not a rare or luxury goods, Laptop is a great choice for many computer users today. the ease and efficiency of his giving more convenience on the user. but not denied that resilience is not sejuat laptop/notebook PCS, this is because the shape is physically closer than a PC that has a much larger Space.

In the case of laptop/notebook will often in complaining about the temperature increase abnormal extent (very hot). Why?
This is a question that is actually very easy to answer.
to make a stable temperature in the computer system I the formation of serig air circulation inside the PC or laptop/notebook. If we look at the physical form of a PC, the tresebut object will be easier in the wake of a circulation. However different if we see the physical form of a Laptop/Notebook, with a series of more dense then it will be more difficult to form a free air circulation.

back to the original Material. dead laptop fan is often caused by a heat sensor not functioning on laptop/notebook due to heat conditions, whereas the hot conditions that occur on the laptop/notebook is often caused due to the blockage of the sewer, meaning if wind wind channels clogged, hot air will result in laptop/notebook, this condition will gradually cause overheat conditions (excess heat), heat is often damage the heat sensor on your laptop/notebook fan laptop/notebook so that dead end laptop/notebook often die suddenly.

How to overcome?

If fan laptop/notebook you've been not working properly, please try the following steps:

1. open chasing laptop/notebook part back so it looks fan laptop/notebook
2. watch your fan wiring, there is usually a 3 (red, black and yellow)
3. disconnect the red cable (+) and plug it into the USB 5volt Positive (you can connect it permanently) the fan will work fine

After the fan you can work longer, don't stop until you're here, please clean the wind channel of your laptop/notebook so that similar problems do not happen again, to do this you should loose cooling fan laptop/notebook, you can clean it with a soft brush Small with mini vacum Cleaner.

A Note For You. You need to remember the "taking care of it is much more difficult than buying".

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Computer clean up Tips speed up your computer by cleaning up Files in Windows

Speed up your computer by cleaning the files not needed in Windows it is very important for our computers. may all of us who have a computer or laptop, sure you have experienced performance problems on your computer is very slow, so many factors that affected it, such as the number of files that are not useful and are still within your windows system, I recommend clean useless files are for windows you are running normally.

All of these files can be deleted manually, by going to the menu or sub menu that provides options for deleting, or remove files directly through dental explorers. For example to delete Cookies in Firefox we enter into Options, then select the Privacy Tab, and then select the Remove Cookies.

How to delete like the above example obviously isn't practical, because we have to do it manually.

It's been a lot of tools for the purpose of deleting temporary files, cookies, history, cache, etc, as above, one of which is the free ATF-Cleaner.

This Tool seems to me very nice, easy to use and practical, executable file/running residence (standalone), then ATF Cleaner window will show up, then we can choose what we will file delete, with option: Windows Temp, temp Current user, All users temp, Cookies, Temporary internet files, History, Prefetch, Java cache, and the Recycle Bin, or if you want to delete all we just choose Select All. After the vote, we just click on the Empty button Selected.
tips from me to speed up your computer by removing useless files, the File Size is very small, under 50 KB, all for Windows can be downloaded here.

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